Based on Portrait of Louis XIV
by Hyacinthe Rigaud (16591743)
Hyacinthe Rigaud (Hiacint Riagau) (16591743) He was the most important portrait painter in the reign of King Louis XIV. His instinct for impressive poses and grand presentations precisely suited the tastes of the royal personages, ambassadors, clerics, courtiers, and financiers who sat for him. Because Rigaud's paintings captured very exact likenesses along with the subject's costumes and background details, his paintings are considered precise records of contemporary fashions.Musée du Louvre, Paris |
"King Mouser the XIV" - Original Painting Sold
Water Color, 5" x 7"
Based on thePortrait of Louis XIV by Hyacinthe Rigaud c.1701
"King Mouser the XIV" signed, limited edition print (100)
Printed using archival ink and paper.
4" x 6" print in 5" x 7" mat. $20.00
(Large copyright notice shown above does not appear on your print)
(Prices above include shipping in U.S. only) |
All original artwork on this site is copyright by Alan F. Beck. Unauthorized use of images is forbidden. If you wish to use any images, please e-mail me for permission . To purchase original art or prints, please e-mail for details.