Based on movie still photo of
Bela Lugosi in the movie "Dracula"
Bela Lugosi shot to stardom in the title role of the 1931 film version of Bram Stoker's Dracula and set the standard for movie vampires. A successful stage actor in his native Hungary and in Germany, he emigrated to the United States in the 1920s and played various character roles until grabbing the lead in the stage production of Dracula in 1927. Lugosi's talent for playing a villain led to a career of playing monsters and mad scientists.
©1931 Universal Studios |
"Draculmouse" - Original Sold
Water Color, 4" x 6"
Based on movie still photo of Bela Lugosi in the movie "Dracula"
©1931 Universal Studios
"Draculmouse" signed, limited edition print (100)
Printed using archival ink and paper.
4" x 6" print in 5" x 7" mat. $20.00
(Large copyright notice shown above does not appear on your print)
(Prices above include shipping in U.S. only) |
All original artwork on this site is copyright by Alan F. Beck. Unauthorized use of images is forbidden. If you wish to use any images, please e-mail me for permission . To purchase original art or prints, please e-mail for details.